Suche nach math: 367 gefunden
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Dr. Florian Hanisch
Supergeometrie, Differentialgeometrie
Mathematische Physik
[C7] Differential Operators of Mathematical Physics - Spectral Theory and Dynamics
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Dr. Florian Hanisch
Supergeometrie, Differentialgeometrie
Mathematische Physik
[B6] Analytic and Spectral Properties of Geometric Operators
Prof. Dr. Christian Okonek
Komplexe Geometrie, Mathematische Eichtheorie
[C3] Algebraic Geometry: Deformations, Moduli and Vector Bundles
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Eyal Ron
delay differential equations
traveling waves
biological mathematical modeling
non-homogenous p-Laplacian equations
[B7] Dynamics of Cosmological Models: The Tumbling Universe
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Dr. Christoph Stephan
Nichtkommutative Geometrie
Mathematische Physik
[B6] Analytic and Spectral Properties of Geometric Operators
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Dr. Frederik Witt
[A1] Strings, D-Branes, and Manifolds of Special Holonomy
[IRTG] Integrated Research Training Group
The purpose of the IRTG of the SFB 647 is the education of young
scientists which are able to deal wih ideas, concepts, and techniques in
mathematics as well as in physics, nothwithstanding ...
Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich
On the holonomy of connections with skew-symmetric torsion
Math. Ann., 328:711-748, 2004
Ilka Agricola
The Srni lectures on non-integrable geometries with torsion
Arch. Math. Brno, (42):5-84, 2006
Dmitri Alekseevski, Vicente Cortes, Anton Galaev, Thomas Leistner
Cones over pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and their holonomy
arXiv:mathDG/07073063, 2007
Jesse Alt
The Geometry of conformally Einstein metrics with degenerate Weyl tensor
arXiv:MathDG/0608598, 2006
Klaus Altmann, Jan Christophersen
Deforming Stanley-Reisner schemes
Mathematische Annalen, 348(3):513-537, 2010
Klaus Altmann, Juergen Hausen, Hendrik Suess
Gluing affine torus actions via divisorial fans
math.AG0606772, 2006
Klaus Altmann, Jürgen Hausen
Polyhedral divisiors and algebraic torus actions
Math Ann, 344:557-607, 2006
Klaus Altmann, Lars Kastner
Negative deformations of toric singularities that are smooth in codimension two
E-print arXiv:1109.3344vl[mathAG], 2011
Klaus Altmann, Duco Straten van
Smoothing of Quiver Varieties
manuscripta math., 129:211-230, 2009
Klaus Altmann, Duko Straten van
Smoothing of Quiver varieties
Math AG/0607174, 2006
Klaus Altmann, Jaroslaw Wisniewski
P-divisors of Cox rings
Michigan Math J., 60:463-480, 2011
Bjorn Andreas, Gottfried Curio
On the Existence of Stable bundles with prescribed Chern classes on Calabi-Yau threefolds.
arXiv:1104.3435 [math.AG], 2011
Björn Andreas, Gottfried Curio
Standard models from heterotic string theory
Adv.Theor.Math.Phys., 12:1095, 2008
Bjorn Andreas, Mario Garcia-Fernandez
Solutions of the Strominger System via Stable Bundles on Calabi-Yau Threefolds.
to appear in Comm.Math.Phys. arXiv:1008.1018 [math.DG]., 2010
Björn Andreas, Mario Garcia-Fernandez
Note on Solutions of the Strominger System from Unitary Representations of Cocompact Lattices of SL(2,C)
Commun.Math.Phys., 332(3):1381-1383 , 2014
Björn Andreas
The Fourier-Mukai transform in string theory
Oxford, Elsevier, 2006
Björn Andreas, Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez, Dario Sanchez Gomez
Stable sheaves over $K3$ fibrations
Int. Jour. of Math, 21:25-46, 2010
J Andres, M Väth
Calculating the Nielsen and Lefschetz numbers in hyperspace for fractals and dynamical systems
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 135:479--487, 2007
C Anné, G Carron, O Post
Gaps in the differential forms spectrum on cyclic coverings
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 262(1):57--90, 2009
Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas
Koszul cohomology with applications to moduli
Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas
The Green Conjecture for smooth curves lying on arbitrary K3 surfaces
Compositio Mathematica, 147:839-851, 2011
T Arias-Marco, A Arvanitoyeorgos, Martines A Naveiro
Constancy of Jacobi osculating rank of g. o. spaces of compact and non-compact type
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Math., no. 1:207-221, 2011
Teresa Arias-Marco
Constant Jacobi osculating rank of U(3)/(U(1)xU(1)xU(1))
Arch. Math. (Brno), 45:273-286, 2009
Teresa Arias-Marco, Antonio M Naveira
Constant Jacobi osculating rank of a g.o. space. A method to obtain explicitly the Jacobi operator
Publ. Math. Debrecen, 74(1-2):135 - 157, 2009
Werner Ballmann, Jochen Brüning, Gilles Carron
Regularity and index theory for Dirac-Schrödinger systems with Lipschitz coefficients
J. Math. Pures Appl. 89 (2008), 429 - 476, 2008
Christian Bär, Pacelli G Bessa
Stochastic completeness and volume growth
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., (138):2629-2640, 2010
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes - Concepts and Mathematical Foundations
volume 786 of Lecture Notes in Physics, 2009
Christian Bär, Frank Pfäffle
Asymptotic heat kernel expansion in the semi-classical limit
Commun. Math. Phys., 294:731-744, 2010
Christian Bär, Frank Pfäffle
Path integrals on manifolds by finite dimensional approximation
J. reine angew. Math., 625:29-57, 2008
Christian Bär
Renormalized Integrals and a Path Integral formula for the Heat Kernel on a Manifold
Contemporary Mathematics, 584:179-197, 2012
Christian Bär, Christoph Stephan
Das Yang-Mills-Problem. Die mathematische Zähmung des Standardmodells
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, (5):66-73, 2009
Helga Baum, Olaf Müller
Codazzi spinors and globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds with special holonomy and geodesically complete Cauchy surfaces.
to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2006
Pierre Bayard, Oliver C Schnnürer
Entire spacelike hypersurfaces of constant Gauß curvature in Minkowski space
J. Reine Angew. Math., 2008
Nikolai Beck
Moduli of decorated swamps on a smooth projective curve
International Journal of Mathematics, 26(10), 2015
Niklas Beisert, others
Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview
Lett. Math. Phys., 99:3-32, 2012
Niklas Beisert
Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter VI.1: Superconformal Symmetry
Lett. Math. Phys., 99:529-545, 2012
Marco Benini
Relative Cauchy evolution for the vector potential on globally hyperbolic spacetimes
Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 3(2):177-210, 2015
Marco Benini, Alexander Schenkel, Richard J Szabo
Homotopy colimits and global observables in Abelian gauge theory
Lett. Math. Phys., 105(9):1193-1222, 2015
Indranil Biswas, Norbert Hoffmann, Amit Hogadi, Alexander Schmitt
The Brauer group of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a real curve
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 139:4173-4179, 2011
Indranil Biswas, Norbert Hoffmann
Poincaré families of G-bundles on a curve
Mathematische Annalen, 352:133-154, 2012
Indranil Biswas, Norbert Hoffmann
The Line Bundles on Moduli Stacks of Principal Bundles on a Curve
Documenta Math., 15:35-72, 2010
Michele Bolognesi, Sonia Brivio
Modular subvarieties and birational geometry of SU_C(r
International Journal of Mathematics, 2010
Michele Bolognesi
Forgetful linear systems on the projective space and rational normal curves over M_0,2n^GIT
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 2010
Holger Brenner, Georg Hein
Restriction of the cotangent bundle to elliptic curves and Hilbert-Kunz functions
Manuscripta Math, 119:17-36, 2006
Jochen Brüning, Werner Ballmann, Gilles Carron
Index theorems on manifolds with straight ends
Compositio Mathematica, 148(06 November):1897-1968, 2012
Jochen Brüning, Leonid Chernozatonskii, Valery Demidov, Vladimir Geyler
Transport properties of two-arc Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with scattering centers
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14, no. 4, 417 – 422, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Vladimir Geyler, Timur Tudorovskiy
On the theory of multiple scattering of waves and the optical potential for a system of point-like scatterers. An application to the theory of ultracold neutrons
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 12, 151 - 160, 2005
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Dmitri Minenkov
Some Solutions of the 3D Laplace Equation in a Layer with Oscillating Boundary Describing an Array of Nanotubes with Applications to Cold Field Emission. II. Irregular Arrays
Russ. J. Math. Phys., 21(1):1-8, 2014
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Roman Nekrasov
Quantum dynamics in a thin film. II. Stationary States
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 16, 467 - 477, 2009
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Roman Nekrasov, Anton Shafarevich
Propagation of Gaussian wave packets in thin periodic quantum waveguides with nonlocal nonlinearity (Russian)
Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 155 (2008), no. 2, 215--235; translation in Theoret. and Math. Phys. 155, no. 2, 689 – 707, 2008
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Roman Nekrasov
Splitting of lower energy levels in a quantum double well in a magnetic field and tunneling of wave packets in nanowires
Theor. Math. Physics, 175(2):620-636, 2013
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Roman Nekrasov, Timur Tudorovskiy
Quantum dynamics in a thin film. I. Propagation of localized perturbations
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 15, 1 - 16, 2008
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Sergey Sekerzh-Zenkovich, Timur Tudorovskiy
Spectral series of the Schrödinger operator in a thin waveguide with a periodic structure. 2. Closed three-dimensional waveguide in a magnetic field
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 18, no. 1, 33–53, 2011
Jochen Brüning, Sergey Dobrokhotov, Sergey Sekerzh-Zenkovich, Timur Tudorovskiy
Spectral series of the Schrödinger operator in thin wave guides with a periodic structure. 1. Adiabatic approximation and semiclassical asymptotics in 2-D case
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 13, 401 - 420, 2006
Jochen Brüning, David Fajman
On the Nodal Count for Flat Tori
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2012
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Igor Lobanov
Spectral properties of a short-range impurity in a quantum dot
J. Math. Phys. 45, 1267 - 1290, 2004
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Igor Lobanov
Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators on decorated graphs
Math. Notes 77 (2005), 858 - 861, 2005
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
Cantor and band spectra for periodic quantum graphs with magnetic fields
Commun. Math. Phys. 269 (2007), 87 - 105, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
Continuity and asymptotic behavior of integral kernels related to Schrödinger Operators on manifolds
Math. Notes 78 (2005), 285 - 288, 2005
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
Explicit Green functions for spin-orbit Hamiltonians
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), F697 - F704, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
On the diagonal singularities of the Green functions for Schrödinger operators
J. Math. Phys. 46, 1 - 16, 2005
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
On the discrete spectrum of spin-orbit Hamiltonians with singular interactions
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14, no. 4, 423 – 429, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
On the number of bound states for weak perturbations of spin-orbit Hamiltonians
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), F113 - F117, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Vladimir Geyler, Konstantin Pankrashkin
Spectra of self-adjoint extensions and applications to solvable Schrödinger operators
Rev. Math. Phys. 20 (2008), 1 - 70, 2008
Jochen Brüning, Valery Grikurov
Numerical simulation of electron scattering by nanotube junctions
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 15, 17 - 24, 2008
Jochen Brüning, Viktor Grushin, Sergey Dobrokhotov
Approximate formulas for eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on a torus arising in linear problems with oscillating coefficients
Russ. J. Math. Phys., 19(3):261–272, 2012
Jochen Brüning, Franz Kamber, Ken Richardson
Index theory for basic Dirac operators on Riemannian foliations
Contemp. Math., 546, 39 - 81, 2011
Jochen Brüning, David Klawonn, Christof Puhle
Remarks on "Resolving isospectral 'drums' by counting nodal domains"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 15143 - 15147, 2007
Jochen Brüning
Leonhard Euler in Berlin (Russian)
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 63, no. 3 (381), 169--190; translation in Russian Math. Surveys 63, no. 3, 579 – 601, 2008
Jochen Brüning, Xiaonan Ma
On the gluing formula for the analytic torsion
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 273(3):1058-1117, 2013
Jochen Brüning, Roman Nekrasov, Anton Shafarevich
Quantization of periodic motions on compact surfaces of constant negative curvature in a magnetic field
Math. Notes 81 (2007), 28 - 36, 2007
Jochen Brüning
Nodal sets in mathematical physics
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 145, 181 - 189, 2007
Jochen Brüning, Boris Pavlov, G Martin
Calculation of the Kirchhoff Coefficients for the Helmholtz Resonator
Russ. J. Math. Phys. 16, no. 2, 188 - 207, 2009
Varbaro M Caviglia G. Constantinescu A.
Note on a conjecture by Kalai
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 0021-2172:1-7, 2014
Simon Chiossi, Anna Fino
Conformally parallel $G_2$ structures on a class of solvmanifolds
Math. Z., (252):825-848, 2006
Richard Cleyton, Stefan Ivanov
Conformal equivalence between certain geometries in dimension 6 and 7
math.DG/0607487, submitted, 2006
Richard Cleyton, Stefan Ivanov
Curvature decomposition of $G_2$ manifolds
math.DG/0702289, submitted, 2007
Richard Cleyton, Stefan Ivanov
On the geometry of closed $G_2$ structures
Comm. Math. Phys., (270):53-67, 2007
Varbaro M Constantinescu A. Kahle T.
Generic and special constructions of pure $O$-sequences
Bull. London Math. Soc., 46(5):924-942, 2014
Evolution curvature of convex hypersurfaces by powers of the mean
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 251(4):721-733, 2005
Wotzlaw (with L A Dimca, M Saito)
A generalization
of Griffiths' theorem on rational integrals II
math/0702105, 2007
Peter G Doyle, Juan Pablo Rossetti
Isospectral hyperbolic surfaces have matching geodesics
New York J. Math., 14:193 - 204, 2008
K Ecker, D Knopf, L Ni, P.Topping
Local monotonicity and mean value formulas for evolving Riemannian manifolds
Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 2008
P Exner, O Post
Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides
J. Math. Phys., 48:092104+43, 2007
Carsten Falk, Andreas Juhl
Universal recursive formulas for Q-curvature
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 652:113-163, 2011
Gavril Farkas
Koszul divisors on moduli spaces of curves
American Journal of Mathematics, 131:819-868, 2009
Gavril Farkas, Katharina Ludwig
The Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of Prym varieties
Journal of the European Math. Society, 12:755-795, 2010
Gavril Farkas, Angela Ortega
The maximal rank conjecture and rank two Brill-Noether theory
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 7(1265-1296), 2011
Gavril Farkas
The birational type of the moduli space of spin curves
Advances in Mathematics, 223:433-443, 2010
Gavril Farkas
Theta characteristics and their moduli
Milan Journal of Mathematics, 2012
Gavril Farkas, Alessandro Verra
Moduli of theta-characteristics via Nikulin surfaces
Mathematische Annalen, 2013
Gavril Farkas, Alessandro Verra
The classification of universal Jacobians over the moduli space of curves
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2012
Thomas Friedrich, Eui Chul Kim
Eigenvalue estimates for the Dirac operator in terms of Codazzi tensors
arXiv: 0709.0780v1, to appear in Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 2007
Thomas Friedrich
Nearly Kähler and nearly parallel $G_2$-structures on spheres
Arch. Math. Brno, (42):241-243, 2006
Anton Galaev
Holonomy groups and special geometric structures of pseudo-Kählerian manifolds of index 2
arXivmath/0612392, 2006
Oscar García-Prada, Jochen Heinloth, Alexander Schmitt
On the motives of moduli of chains and Higgs bundles
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 16(12):2617–2668, 2014
Damien Gayet, Frederik Witt
Deformations of associative submanifolds with boundary
arXiv:0802.1283v2 [math.DG], 2008
M Georgi
The shape of blowup profiles exhibiting blow up in
Indiana Univ. Math. J., 36, 2007
Nicolas Ginoux, Georges Habib
A spectral estimate for the Dirac operator on Riemannian flows
Cent. Eur. J. Math., 8(5):950-965, 2010
Nicolas Ginoux, Georges Habib
Geometric aspects of transversal Killing spinors on Riemannian flows
Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 2008
Nicolas Ginoux, Georges Habib
Remarks on transversal Killing spinors
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er. I Math., 346(11-12):657-659, 2008
Nicolas Ginoux
The spectrum of the Dirac operator on SU2/Q8
Manuscripta Math., 125(3):383--409, 2008
Carolyn S Gordon, William Kirwin, Dorothee Schüth, David Webb
Classical equivalence and quantum equivalence of magnetic fields on flat tori
Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 84:167-179, 2012
Lucy Gow, Alexander Molev
Representations of twisted q-Yangians
Selecta Math., 16:439-499, 2010
Robin C Graham, Andreas Juhl
Holographic formula for Q-curvature
Advances in Mathematics, 216(2):841-853, 2007
Green-hyperbolic operators on globally hyperbolic spacetimes
Comm. Math. Phys., 333(3):1585-1615, 2015
Florian Hanisch, Frank Pfäffle, Christoph Stephan
The Spectral Action for Dirac Operators with skew-symmetric Torsion
Commun. Math. Phys., 300(3):877-888, 2010
Georg Hein
Generalized Albanese morphisms
Compositio Mathematica, 142:719-733, 2006
Georg Hein
Green currents on Kähler manifolds
Georg Hein
Raynaud vector bundles
math.AG/0706.3970, 2007
Georg Hein
Raynaud`s vector bundles and base points of the generalized Theta divisor
Math. Zeitschrift / math.AG/0607338, 257:597-611, 2007
Jochen Heinloth, Alexander H W Schmitt
The Cohomology Rings of Moduli Stacks of Principal Bundles over Curves
Documenta Math., 15:423--488, 2010
Andreas Hochenegger, Nathan Owen Ilten
Families of Invariant Divisors on Rational Complexity-One T-Varieties
arXiv:0906.4292v3 [math.AG], 2009
Norbert Hoffmann
The Picard group of a coarse moduli space of vector bundles in positive characteristic
Cent. Eur. J. Math., 10:1306-1313, 2012
Victoria Hoskins
Stratifications associated to reductive group actions on affine spaces
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 65(3):1011--1047, 2014
G Huisken, C Sinestrari
Mean curvature flow with surgeries of two-convex hypersurfaces
Inventiones Mathematicae, 2008
Emmanuel Humbert, Andreas Hermann
About the mass of certain second order elliptic operators
Adv. Math., 294:596-633, 2016
Nathan Ilten
One-Parameter toric deformations of cyclic quotient singularities.
arXiv:math.AG.0801.2370, 2008
Nathan Ilten
P-Resolution fans and versal component dimension for cyclic quotient singularities.
arXiv:math.AG.0801.2900, 2008
Nathan Ilten, Robert Vollmert
Deformations of Rational T-Varieties
arXiv:0903.1393v3 [math.AG], 2009
Initial value problems for wave equations on manifolds
Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 18(1):Art: 7, 2015
Priska Jahnke, Ivo Radloff
Terminal Fano threefolds and their smoothings
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 269(3-4):1129-1136, 2010
Priska Jahnke
Kugeln, Kegelschnitte, und was gibt es noch?
Teubner Verlag, 2011
C Jeschek, F Witt
Generalised geometries, constrained
critical points and Ramond--Ramond fields
math.DG/0510131, 2005
Andreas Juhl
Holographic formula for Q-curvature. II
Advances in Mathematics, 226(4):3409-3425, 2011
Andreas Juhl
On the recursive structure of Branson's Q-curvatures
Math. Res. Lett., 21(3):1-13, 2014
Klaus-Dieter Kirchberg
Integrability conditions for almost Hermitian and almost Kähler 4-manifolds
math.DG/0605611, submitted, 2006
Sabine Schwentner Klaus Altmann Benjamin Nill, Izolda Wiercinska
Flow Polytopes and the Graph of Reflexive Polytopes
Discrete Mathematics, 309:4992-4999, 2009
P Kuchment, O Post
On the spectra of carbon nano-structures
Comm. Math. Phys., 275:805--826, 2007
Herbert Lange, Angela Ortega
Prym varieties of triple coverings
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2010
Paul Larsen
Fulton's Conjecture for M_0,7
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2011
Andreas Laudin, Alexander Schmitt
Recent results on quiver sheaves
Cent. Eur. J. Math., 10:1246-1279, 2012
D Lenz, N Peyerimhoff, O Post, I Veselić
Continuity of the integrated density of states on random length metric graphs
Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 12(3):219--254, 2009
D Lenz, N Peyerimhoff, O Post, I Veselić
Continuity properties of the integrated density of states on manifolds
Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 3:121-161, 2008
Stefan Liebscher, Jörg Härterich, Kevin Webster, Marc Georgi
Ancient dynamics in Bianchi models: Approach to Periodic Cycles.
Communications in Mathematial Physics, 305:59-83, 2011
F Lledó, O Post
Eigenvalue bracketing for discrete and metric graphs
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 348(2):806--833, 2008
F Lledó, O Post
Existence of spectral gaps, covering manifolds and residually finite groups
Rev. Math. Phys., 20:199--231, 2008
F Lledó, O Post
Generating spectral gaps by geometry
In Prospects in Mathematical Physics, Young Reserchers Symposium of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, July 2003, volume 437 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 159--169, 2007
Matthias Ludewig
Manuscripta Math., 148:29-58, 2015
K Pankrashkin
Spectra of Schrödinger operators on equilateral quantum graphs
Lett. Math. Phys., 77:139--154, 2006
Lars Petersen, Hendrik Süß
Torus invariant divisors
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 182(1):481-504, 2011
Frank Pfäffle
Eigenvalues of Dirac operators for hyperbolic degenerations
Manuscripta Math., 116, 2005
Frank Pfäffle, Christoph Stephan
Chiral Asymmetry and the Spectral Action
Commun.Math.Phys., (321):283-310, 2013
Frank Pfäffle, Christoph Stephan
The Holst Action by the Spectral Action Principle
Commun. Math. Phys., 307(1):261-273, 2011
David Ploog
Equivariant autoequivalences for finite group actions
Adv. in Math., 2007
O Post
Equilateral quantum graphs and boundary triples
In Exner, P. and Keating, J. P. and Kuchment, P. and Sunada, T. and Teplayaev, A. (ed.), Analysis on Graphs and its Applications, volume 77 of Proc. Symp. Pure Math., pages 469--490, Amer. Math. Soc., 2008
O Post
First order operators and boundary triples
Russ. J. Math. Phys., 14:482--492, 2007
O Post
Branched quantum wave guides with Dirichlet boundary conditions: the decoupling case
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38(22):4917--4931, 2005
N Roy
The geometry of nondegeneracy conditions in completely integrable systems
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6), 14(4):705-719, 2005
Antonio Di Scala, Thomas Leistner, Thomas Neukirchner
Irreducibly acting subgroups of GL(n,R)
arXiv:mathDG/0507047, to appear, 2005
A Schmitt
A remark on semistability of quiver bundles
Eurasian Math. J., 3(1):110-138, 2012
Alexander H W Schmitt
Global boundedness for semistable decorated principal bundles with special regard to quiver sheaves
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 28A:443–-490, 2013
Alexander H W Schmitt
On the modular interpretation of the Nagaraj–Seshadri locus
J. reine angew. Math., 670:145—172, 2012
Alexander Schmitt
Semistability and Instability in Products and Applications
American Mathematical Society, 2016
Oliver C Schnürer
Expandierende und kontrahierende Flächen
Oliver C Schnürer
Surfaces expanding by the inverse Gauß curvature flow
J. Reine Angew. Math., 600:117--134, 2006
Dorothee Schüth
Integrability of geodesic flows and isospectrality of Riemannian manifolds
Math. Z., 260(3):595-613, 2008
Christoph Stephan
Noncommutative Geometry and the Physics of the LHC Era
In F. Finster and J. Kleiner and C. Röken and J. Tolksdorf (ed.), Quantum mathematical physics, 2016
Christoph Stephan, Jan-Hendrik Jureit
On a Classification of Irreducible Almost-Commutative Geometries V
J. Math. Phys., 50:072301, 2009
Christoph Stephan, Jan-Hendrik Jureit
On a classification of irreducible almost-commutative geometries. IV
J. Math. Phys., 49:033502, 2008
Christoph Stephan
Krajewski diagrams and the Standard Model
J. Math. Phys., 50:043515, 2009
Joa Weber
Noncontractible periodic orbits in cotangent bundles and Floer homology
Duke Math. J., 133:527-568, 2006
Joa Weber
The Morse-Witten complex via dynamical systems
Expo. Math., 24:127-159, 2006
Martin Weilandt
Isospectral Metrics on Weighted Projective Spaces
New York J. Math., 18:421-449, 2012
Frederik Witt
Generalised $G_2$-manifolds
Comm. Math. Phys., 265:275-303, 2006
Prof. Nima Arkani-Hamed
KOSMOS Lecture: "Physics and Mathematics for the End of Spacetime"
30.8.2016, 18:30 Uhr – 19:30 Uhr
Audimax, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Dr. Bjorn Andreas (FU)
On physical conditions which impose precise mathematical problems
2.2.2016, 15:30 Uhr – 16:30 Uhr
Whitney and Thom-Mather spaces with applications to spectral theory
10.2.2015, 17:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Mathematical Technology of Networks - QGraphs 2013
4.12.2013 – 7.12.2013
Gian-Michele GRAF (ETH Zurich), Andreas SCHNYDER (Koeln University), Jean-Louis TU (Lorraine University (Metz))
11.9.2013 – 13.9.2013
QMath12 - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
10.9.2013 – 13.9.2013
Holger Reich, Matthias Staudacher, Elmar Vogt, Bernold Fiedler
SFB-Seminar: "Temperley-Lieb Algebras in Mathematics and Physics"
6.11.2012, 15:30 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Vicente Cortes
Mathematical aspects of the supergravity r- and c-maps
8.3.2012, 13:00 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weinzierl
Hidden mathematical beauty in scattering amplitudes
7.12.2011, 15:30 Uhr – 16:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Alan Carey
Noncommutative Geometry in Mathematics and Physics
29.6.2011, 17:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Alan Carey (Canberra, Australien)
Noncommutative geometry in mathematics and physics
29.3.2011, 15:15 Uhr – 16:45 Uhr
"Modular \phi4"
27.1.2011, 14:00 Uhr – 15:00 Uhr
Summer school Les Houches
Structures in local quantum field theory
7.6.2010 – 25.6.2010
Les Houches
Hirosi Ooguri
Vorstellung des IPMU (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe) in Tokio
1.6.2010, 16:00 Uhr – 16:45 Uhr
Blockseminar "Komplexe Flächen"
24.5.2010, 18:00 Uhr – 28.5.2010, 13:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kreimer, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
Local Interactions: Which numbers make the point? (1)
4.5.2010, 17:00 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
A Hodge-type Theorem for Manifold with fibred cusp metric
2.2.2010, 17:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Klaus Fredenhagen
Algebraic structures in classical and quantum field theory
25.1.2010, 15:15 Uhr – 16:45 Uhr
Geometric structures related to string theory
10.11.2009, 17:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Integrability in Gauge and String Theory
29.6.2009 – 3.7.2009
G. Pacelli Bessa
On the spectrum of Martin-Morales-Nadirashvili minimal surfaces
15.6.2009, 15:15 Uhr
PD Dr. Harald Dorn (HU Berlin)
On Timelike and Spacelike Minimal Surfaces in AdS_n and the
Alday-Maldacena Conjecture
2.6.2009, 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Dr. Joakim Arnlind (MPI Golm)
Membrane equations and matrix regularization
12.5.2009, 17:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kreimer (IHES, Frankreich)
The gravity powercounting and ideals in perturbative gravity
9.4.2009, 15:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kreimer (IHES, Frankreich)
Dyson--Schwinger equations from Hochschild cohomology
8.4.2009, 15:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kreimer (IHES, Frankreich)
Quantum Fields, Periods and Hopf algebras
7.4.2009, 15:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
"Infinite-Dimensional Symmetries: The Key to Understanding Gravity?"
11.3.2009, 14:00 Uhr – 15:00 Uhr
Non-perturbative dualities in sigma models – lessons for string theory and mathematics
15.12.2008, 16:00 Uhr
Michael Gutperle
Supersymmetry and BPS States in Mathematics and Physics
15.12.2008, 9:30 Uhr
Berufungsvorträge der Professur "Mathematische Physik von Raum, Zeit und Materie"
14.12.2008 – 15.12.2008
Martin Bojowald (Penn State University)
What Happened Before the Big Bang?
13.11.2008, 18:00 Uhr
Yuri Chekanov (Moscow Center for Continous Mathematical Education)
Lagrangian tori in the symplectic vector space
4.11.2008, 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Robert Bartnik
Boundary problems for equations of Dirac type
22.10.2008, 17:00 Uhr
Bradford Hovinen
Vortrag: A nonclassical determinantal formula for the classical discriminant
23.6.2008, 16:15 Uhr
Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3, SR 119
14195 Berlin
Mathematical Physics and Spectral Theory: Workshop in memory of Vladimir Geyler
24.4.2008, 13:00 Uhr – 26.4.2008, 12:30 Uhr
Dr. Igor Burban
Cohen-Macaulay Moduln, nichtkommutative crepante Auflösungen und Cluster-Kipp-Theorie
21.4.2008, 16:15 Uhr
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Ilka Agricola, Richard Cleyton, Simon Chiossi, Thomas Friedrich, Ivan Minchev
Special Geometries in Mathematical Physics II
30.3.2008 – 5.4.2008
F. Witt, R. Cleyton, S. Chiossi
"Aspects of deformation theory in algebraic and differential geometry" organised by the projects A2 + A3
17.12.2007 – 18.12.2007
Ulrike Tillmann
Moduli spaces in the eyes of a topologist: Mumford's
conjecture and
5.12.2007, 17:15 Uhr
Prof. Gavril Farkas
The enumerative geometry of the moduli space of curves
13.11.2007, 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Dr. Norbert Peyerimhoff
Pompeiu's Problem on Damek-Ricci spaces
7.11.2007, 16:30 Uhr
Prof. Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht University)
The Quantum General Relativity and Determinism
2.11.2007, 10:00 Uhr – 11:30 Uhr
Dr. Gottfried Curio
String Theory and Geometry
24.4.2007, 17:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Introduction to QFT on curved spacetimes
24.4.2007, 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiemann (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam-Golm)
Schleifen Quantengravitation
13.2.2007, 17:45 Uhr – 18:45 Uhr
On twodimensional nonlinear elleptic systems in Euclidean spaces \mathbb{R}^n
6.2.2007, 17:00 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
Bernd Martin
Äqivalenzbegriffe isolierter Hyperflächen-Singularitäten
11.12.2006, 16:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Tatjana Suslina
Threshold properties and homogenization for periodic operators of Mathematical physics
6.12.2006, 18:30 Uhr
Wilhelm Klingenberg (Durham)
Area-critical surfaces in a neutral Kähler manifold
6.12.2006, 17:00 Uhr
Dr. Frederik Witt
Workshop on Seiberg-Witten Theory
2.12.2006, 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Freie Universitaet Berlin (ZIB)
Takustr. 7, Hoersaal ZIB
14195 Berlin
Mauro Carfora
Ricci flow, entropies and the averaging of cosmological spacetimes
24.11.2006, 10:00 Uhr
Gerhard Huisken, Todd Oliynyk
Workshop on Geometric and Renormalization Group Flows
22.11.2006 – 24.11.2006
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
(Albert Einstein Institute)
Potsdam, Germany
PD Dr. Alan Rendall
Exotic matter models in cosmology
14.11.2006, 16:30 Uhr – 17:30 Uhr
PD Dr. Alan Rendall
Exotic matter models in cosmology
14.11.2006, 16:30 Uhr – 17:30 Uhr
Dr. Olaf Post (HU)
Spectra of metric graphs and their applications
24.10.2006, 16:30 Uhr – 17:30 Uhr
Feierliche Eröffnung des Sonderforschungsbereiches 647 „Raum.Zeit.Materie – Analytische und Geometrische Strukturen“
6.10.2006, 15:30 Uhr
Morphisms and Gluing
3.8.2006, 16:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Prof. Klaus Altmann
Affine T-Varities
3.8.2006, 14:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Rene Birkner
GIT and Chow Quotients by Tori
3.8.2006, 11:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr
Dr. Konstantin Pankrashkin (HU Berlin)
Schroedinger operators on equilateral quantum graphs
18.7.2006, 16:30 Uhr – 17:30 Uhr
Dr. Christian Becker, Konrad Waldorf, Anna Wienhard
Blockseminar "Schleifengruppen und ihre Anwendung in Geometrie und Physik"
18.6.2006 – 23.6.2006
Nordseebad Borkum
Dr. Aleksei I. Bondal (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moskau; Gast FU)
Integrable systems related to triangulated categories
14.2.2006, 15:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Dr. Simon Chiossi (HU)
G2 structures on solvmanifolds
10.1.2006, 17:30 Uhr
Dr. Simon Chiossi (HU)
G2 structures on solvmanifolds
10.1.2006, 17:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Michele Bolognesi
Weddle surfaces and 3-level moduli spaces of abelian surfaces
1.11.2005, 14:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Dr. Alan Rendall (AEI)
Cosmic acceleration and dark energy
28.6.2005, 17:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Partielle Differentialgleichungen
Wintersemester 2009/10
Sommersemester 2009
Prof. Dr. Priska Jahnke
Lineare Algebra I (Lehramt mit Mathematik als Zweitfach)
Sommersemester 2009
Prof. Dr. Priska Jahnke
Mathematik für Geowissenschaftler II
Sommersemester 2009
Der Ricci-Fluß auf Flächen
Wintersemester 2008/09
Analysis in Geometrie und Physik
Wintersemester 2008/09
Dr. Joa Weber
Differentialtopologie II
Sommersemester 2008
Enumerative geometry and string theory
Sommersemester 2008
Dr. Joa Weber
Differentialtopologie I
Wintersemester 2007/08
Geometrische Analysis
Wintersemester 2007/08
Dr. Gottfried Curio
Quantum Field Theory, Gauge theories and the Standard Model
Wintersemester 2007/08
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Spezialvorlesung Algebraische Geometrie II (Berlin Mathematical School)
Wintersemester 2007/08
Geometrie und Physik
Wintersemester 2007/08
Klaus Altmann, Andreas Hochenegger und Frederik Witt
Mirror Symmetry und torische Geometrie
Wintersemester 2007/08
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Spezialvorlesung Algebraische Geometrie (Berlin Mathematical School)
Sommersemester 2007
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Basic Course Commutative algebra (Berlin Mathematical School)
Wintersemester 2006/07
Dr. Ilka Agricola
Seminar für Lehramt: Mathematik des Wählens
Wintersemester 2006/07
Dr. Alan Rendall
Nichtlineare hyperbolische Gleichungen
Sommersemester 2006
Prof. Dr. Klaus Ecker
Einführung in die Partiellen Differentialgleichungen
Wintersemester 2005/06
Dr. Alan Rendall
Einführung in die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
Sommersemester 2005
Felix Jachan
Konformer Ricci-Fluss im /math{R}^2
Von 1.9.2007 bis 31.7.2009
Betreuer: Klaus Ecker, Felix Schulze
Der mathematische Begriff der Entropie, Bachelor-Arbeit
Von 13.8.2007 bis 13.10.2007
Betreuer: Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola, Dr. Elke Warmuth
F. Matthis
Konzepte von Raum und Zeit im Mathematik- und Physik-Unterricht, Staatsexamensarbeit
Von 1.5.2006 bis 30.10.2006
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich, Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
Markus Hihn
"Mathematical Methods of Quantum Field Theory"
Seit 1.7.2010
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
27.4.2005 – 27.4.2005
Vortrag im Mathematischen Kolloquium
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
16.6.2005 – 17.6.2005
Vortrag im Mathematischen Kolloquium
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
6.8.2005 – 20.8.2005
Department of Mathematics
Seoul National University
Lecture Series
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
21.10.2005 – 21.10.2005
Vortrag im Mathematischen Kolloquium
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
1.10.2006 – 7.10.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
9.11.2007 – 9.11.2007
Vortrag im Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis
Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola
23.6.2008 – 27.6.2008
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center
Conference Differential Geometry
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
16.6.2005 – 19.6.2005
2nd Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung & Oesterreische Mathematische Gesellschaft, Mainz
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
24.7.2005 – 13.8.2005
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
11.9.2005 – 17.9.2005
Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques,
Luminy, Frankreich
Konferenz Geometry & Singularities
Vortrag: Lower dimensional torus actions
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
29.1.2006 – 4.2.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Tagungsleiter: Convex and Algebraic Geometry
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
9.10.2008 – 13.10.2008
Budapest: Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Konferenz: Deformations of Surfaces
Vortrag: "Deformations of flag quivers"
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
4.1.2009 – 10.1.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Organisator des Workshops "Toric Geometry"
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
21.9.2009 – 25.9.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
17.6.2007 – 22.6.2007
9.11.2007 – 17.11.2007
University of Salamanca
Department of Mathematics
Talk: "Modulraueme stabiler Vektorbuendel auf C4-Varietaeten"
12.6.2005 – 18.6.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Geometric Topology and Connections with Quantum Field Theory"
7.8.2005 – 13.8.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Differentialgeometrie im Gro{\ss{}}en"
12.3.2006 – 18.3.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Analysis and Topology in Interaction"
1.10.2006 – 7.10.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Geometrie"
1.7.2007 – 7.7.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Differentialgeometrie im Gro{\ss{}}en"
19.8.2007 – 25.8.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Analysis and Geometric Singularities"
Prof. Dr. Helga Baum
1.9.2005 – 31.12.2005
Research Programme: Geometry of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with Application to Physics (Organizer)
Prof. Dr. Helga Baum
29.6.2006 – 1.7.2006
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig
Workshop on Transformation Groups in Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry (Organizer)
Prof. Dr. Helga Baum
16.7.2006 – 6.8.2006
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA), Minnesota, USA
IMA-Summer Program "Symmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations, Invited lecture
Prof. Dr. Helga Baum
26.11.2006 – 2.12.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Miniworkshop on Dirac-Operators in Differential and Noncommutative Geometry
Prof. Dr. Helga Baum
18.11.2007 – 24.11.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Oberwolfach Seminar "Recent developments in Conformal Differential Geometry" (Organizer)
Dr. Christian Becker
8.10.2006 – 14.10.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Obwerwolfach
Workshop "Twisted K-Theory"
Dr. Christian Becker
24.11.2006 – 25.11.2006
Dipl.-Math. Tillmann Berg
3.7.2011 – 9.7.2011
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Boldt
8.7.2013 – 12.7.2013
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Research in collaboration with Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellow Emilio Lauret
Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Boldt
12.10.2014 – 17.10.2014
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Research in collaboration with Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellow Emilio Lauret
Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Boldt
9.11.2014 – 14.11.2014
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Research in collaboration with Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellow Emilio Lauret
21.8.2005 – 27.8.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Tagungsteilnahme "Analysis and Geometric Singularities"
24.7.2006 – 28.7.2006
4.1.2007 – 14.1.2007
The University of Auckland/ New Zealand
Mathematics Department
Faculty of Science
Zusammenmarbeit mit Prof. Pavlov im Rahmen eines BMBF-Kooperationsvertrages
31.3.2007 – 10.4.2007
1. Tsinghua University
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Peking/ China
2. Fudan University
School of Mathematical Sciences
Shanghai/ China
Vortrag "Boundary value problems for Dirac operators"
3. Chern Institute of Mathematics
Nakai University
Tianjin/ China
"International Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds"
6.8.2007 – 10.8.2007
Graduate School of Mathematics
Nagoya University
International Conference "Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Number Theory"
Vortrag "Boundary Value Problems for Dirac Operators"
19.8.2007 – 25.8.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Analysis and Geometric Singularities"
5.6.2008 – 5.6.2008
Vortrag "Index theorems for singular Dirac operators"
29.6.2009 – 4.7.2009
Teilnahme an der Konferenz "Noncommutative Geometric Methods in Global Analysis",
Vortrag "The signature operator on Riemannian pseudomanifolds"
24.6.2010 – 26.6.2010
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn
27.6.2010 – 3.7.2010
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Organisation des Workshops "Analysis and Geometric Singularities" gemeinsam mit Rafe Mazzeo und Paolo Piazza
8.4.2011 – 11.4.2011
Bonner Geometrietage. In honour of Werner Ballmann 60
1.1.2012 – 7.1.2012
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Miniworkshop "Boundary Value Problems and Spectral Geometry"
Vortrag "Index calculations for Dirac operators and spectral theory" (joint work with Werner Ballmann, Gilles Carron)
6.5.2012 – 12.5.2012
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Organisation des Workshops "Analysis and Geometric Singularities" zusammen mit Rafe Mazzeo und Paolo Piazza
Dr. Simon George Chiossi
19.4.2006 – 23.5.2006
University of Auckland
Department of Mathematics
Research stay
Prof. Dr. Gavril Farkas
27.7.2010 – 31.7.2010
Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik Bonn
Forschungsaufenthalt Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik Bonn
Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
6.8.2005 – 20.8.2005
Department of Mathematics
Seoul National University
Lecture Series
Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
1.10.2006 – 7.10.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
28.5.2008 – 31.5.2008
University del Paisco Vasco
Department of Mathematics
Bilbao, Spain
Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
12.6.2008 – 13.6.2008
Vortrag im Oberseminar
Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
23.6.2008 – 27.6.2008
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center
Conference Differential Geometry
Dr. Nicolas Ginoux
1.7.2007 – 7.7.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Workshop "Differentialgeometrie im Gro{\ss{}}en"
Dr. Juliette Hell
11.5.2013 – 25.5.2013
University of Minnesota
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Snowbird
Konferenz "Stochastic Modeling of Biological Processes"
Konferenz "Applications of Dynamical Systems"
Forschungskooperation mit Dr. Nitsan Ben-Gal
Dr. Juliette Hell
7.10.2013 – 11.10.2013
Department of Mathematics, Leipzig University
Paulinum, Augustusplatz 10, D-04109 Leipzig,
Konferenz "Differential goemetry and global analysis"
Forschungskooperation mit Felix Finster
Dr. Andreas Hochenegger
24.11.2006 – 25.11.2006
Dr. Andreas Hochenegger
6.10.2008 – 13.10.2008
Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Konferenz: Deformations of Surfaces
Dr. Andreas Hochenegger
4.1.2009 – 10.1.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an Workshop "Toric Geometry"
Dr. Norbert Hoffmann
26.2.2010 – 23.3.2010
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, and
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai (India)
Dr. Norbert Hoffmann
4.1.2011 – 5.2.2011
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (England)
programme `Moduli Spaces', 2 lectures on `Augmented Bundles'
Dr. Nathan Ilten
18.10.2009 – 21.10.2009
Mathematical Research Centre, Warwick, UK
Teilnahme an "Follow-up meeting to symposium--Extreme Laurent polynomials--new approaches to mirror symmetry and classification of Fanos"
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
23.11.2005 – 27.11.2005
University of Helsinki, Mathematical Institute
Cooperation, Colloquium-Lecture
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
17.7.2006 – 24.7.2006
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA), Minnesota, USA
IMA Summer Program "Symmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations"
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
26.10.2006 – 27.10.2006
Zusammenarbeit (Hoffmann). Kolloquiums-Vortrag
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
15.12.2006 – 16.12.2006
TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Mathematisches Institut
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
28.1.2007 – 29.1.2007
Mathematical Institute, Univerity Gothenburg, Sweden
PhD examination
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
19.4.2007 – 20.4.2007
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
18.11.2007 – 24.11.2007
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Oberwolfach Seminar "Recent developments in Conformal Differential Geometry" (Organizer), Lectures on Q-curvature
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
23.8.2008 – 3.9.2008
Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland
Research Workshop: Parabolic Geometry and PDE
2 lectures
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
30.11.2009 – 30.11.2009
Vortragsseries, Teil 1
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
7.12.2009 – 7.12.2009
Vortragsserie, Teil 2
Prof. Dr. Andreas Juhl
14.12.2009 – 14.12.2009
Vortragsserie, Teil 3
Dipl.-Math Lars Kastner
4.1.2009 – 10.1.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme am Workshop "Toric Geometry"
Dr. Hwajeong Kim
23.6.2008 – 27.6.2008
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center
Conference Differential Geometry
Dr. Lars Petersen
9.10.2005 – 15.10.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an dem Seminar zur Deformationstheorie
Dr. Lars Petersen
15.10.2006 – 21.10.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinsstitut Oberwolfach
Dr. Lars Petersen
9.10.2008 – 13.10.2008
Budapest, Ungarn (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
Konferenz: Deformations of Surfaces
Dr. Lars Petersen
4.1.2009 – 10.1.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an Workshop "Toric Geometry"
Dr. David Ploog
9.10.2005 – 15.10.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an Seminar zur Deformationstheorie, Buchweitz, Fleuner
Dr. David Ploog
14.11.2005 – 18.11.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Dr. David Ploog
29.1.2006 – 3.2.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Dr. David Ploog
26.3.2006 – 31.3.2006
University of Salamanca, Department of Mathematics
Salamanca, Spanien
Dr. David Ploog
27.9.2006 – 28.9.2006
Forschungsaufenthalt (Zusammenarbeit mit Georg Hein)
PD Dr. Olaf Post
17.10.2007 – 20.10.2007
PD Dr. Olaf Post
3.4.2008 – 4.4.2008
RWTH Aachen
Department of Mathematics
PD Dr. Olaf Post
29.4.2008 – 30.4.2008
Kolloquiumsvortrag "Verallgemeinerte diskrete Laplace-Operatoren auf Graphen und ihr Zusammenhang mit metrischen Graphen"
PD Dr. Olaf Post
10.8.2009 – 13.8.2009
Aalborg University
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Teilnahme an der Konferenz "Mathematical aspects of quantum transport and applications in nanophysics" (Satellitenkonferenz zur ICMP 2009 in Prag)
Vortrag "Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds"
PD Dr. Olaf Post
10.6.2010 – 11.6.2010
Vortrag "Deformation von Mannigfaltigkeiten und Konvergenz des Spektrums"
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt
3.4.2011 – 1.7.2011
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (England)
programme `Moduli Spaces'
18.6.2007 – 22.6.2007
Euler International Mathematical Institute
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Third Russian-German Geometry Meeting; Vortrag
30.9.2009 – 3.10.2009
Forschungsaufenthalt und Vortrag
14.6.2010 – 18.6.2010
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an der Tagung "Geometrie"
11.1.2011 – 11.1.2011
7.4.2011 – 13.4.2011
Bonner Geometrietage; Vortrag
28.6.2015 – 3.7.2015
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
25.8.2013 – 30.8.2013
Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Konferenz+Talk: "Equadiff 2013", Prag, 26.08.-30.08.2013
Robert Vollmert
9.10.2005 – 15.10.2005
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Robert Vollmert
17.10.2005 – 21.10.2005
Robert Vollmert
29.1.2006 – 4.2.2006
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Robert Vollmert
4.1.2009 – 10.1.2009
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Teilnahme an Workshop "Toric Geometry"
Prof. Dr. Frederik Witt
16.9.2005 – 22.9.2005
Prof. Dr. Frederik Witt
16.11.2005 – 23.11.2005
Prof. Dr. Frederik Witt
17.6.2007 – 24.6.2007
Russian Academy of Sciences
Steklov Mathematical Institute
St. Petersburg, Russia
Prof. Dr. Frederik Witt
10.9.2007 – 14.9.2007
Teilnahme am Workshop "Poisson Sigma Models, Lie Algebroids, Deformations, and Higher Analogues"
Votrag: "Calabi-Yau manifolds with B-fields."